Rowlene opens up about her business relationship with superstar Nasty C

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Rowlene Bosman is one of South Africa's fastest rising music stars. She signed with rapper Nasty C's record label and says she chose him because they think alike and he understands her like no one else does.

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Rowlene Bosman has been hard at work making herself a successful music icon in South Africa.

She was signed to Nasty C's record label, Tall Racks, in 2018 and it was a boost that got her even higher in the music industry.

We reported earlier that she was the first artist to be signed to the brand-new label.

According to Rowlene, she chose to sign to Nasty's label because he's focused and they think alike.

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This woman is planning even bigger moves in 2019, and one of them is going international, according to a report by TshisaLIVE.

Since starting out, Rowlene has worked with some of the big boys of the music industry like A-Reece, Riky Rick and Teelaman.

Rowlene says she and Nasty C are friends and that the young rapper understands her like no one else does.

We are friends before anything else and he understands me like nobody else does. I won't say that he found me, but he was one of the people that has been pushing me. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. We are all a family at Tall Racks and push each other.

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Here's an interview with Rowlene in which she discusses her future:

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