TikTok Video of Mams Mall Shoppers Fleeing From Robbery Scene Grabs Mzansis Attention

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A video showing shoppers at Mams Mall making a break for it in the middle of a robbery grabbed Mzansi's attention.

It displays the mayhem with people dashing away, clutching their goods, and pushing trolleys like they're racing against time.

Robbery video circulates on TikTok

The clip posted by TikTok user @danko_101 clocked over 705,000 views and became a spectacle that Mzansi can't stop talking about.

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Concerns rise in the comments

As the clip gains momentum, so do the concerns. Viewers expressed worries about the rising crime. They used the comments section to voice their anxieties about the safety of public spaces.

Watch the video below:

Mzansi's humour lightens the mood

In true Mzansi style, netizens dealt with the frightening situation with humour. Some viewers joked about the sight of shoppers fleeing with their trolleys and some failing to keep their composure.

@bl.crew6 commented

"The first guy pretended like he was Hercules at first den 120 speed."

@jouna posted:

"Yoh imagine walking with young kids. "

@pebetsi.com said:

"Mams mall and Tshwane mall is not save at all."

@mtlira2 mentioned:

"There is something that our government is not telling us honestly."

@jalikamvetshane highlighted:

"Yeyi people are speeding with the trolles."

@dniquey added:

"Ey Jesu the guy trying to keep his cool, and the trolley guys. "

@lady_liwinski2422 mentioned:

"To think that I wanted to go to FNB yesterday mara something told me not to go, hehehe.‍♀️"

@oe.delight.sweettreats added:

"I would've found myself in store rooms of any shop than to runaround and endanger my life even more."

Man survives N3 shootout between cops and robbers

In another article, Brielfy News reported that a man was lucky to survive a shootout which left bodies lying on the ground.

The man’s voice was filled with fear and relief that he did not die during a shootout that he witnessed in Durban. South Africans expressed concern that violent crimes in SA are on the rise.
