Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth NG+ Paywall Causes Controversy

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The gaming community is buzzing with controversy surrounding the decision by Sega to place the New Game Plus (NG+) feature of “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth” behind a paywall. The move has sparked a heated debate among fans and industry insiders alike.

What is the Controversy All About?

Sega’s decision to lock the NG+ feature of “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth” behind a paywall has stirred up a storm in the gaming community. This feature, traditionally provided as part of the base game, is now only accessible to those who purchase the Digital Deluxe or Ultimate Editions of the game.

Reactions from the Gaming Community

Many gamers have expressed their disappointment and frustration on various platforms, including Reddit, GameFAQs, and Twitter. They argue that locking such a key feature behind a paywall is an unfair monetization strategy.Some have even accused Sega of betraying the goodwill of its fanbase.

Industry Perspectives

The decision has also drawn criticism from industry insiders. One Yakuza actor argued that this move “hurts community goodwill”. Others have pointed out that such a monetization strategy feels very 2024, indicating a trend within the industry that many are uncomfortable with.

Sega’s Stance

As of the time of writing, Sega has not officially responded to the backlash. However, it’s worth noting that the company had previously locked NG+ content behind a paywall for the 2020 predecessor, “Yakuza Like A Dragon”.

The Impact on the Game’s Reputation

The controversy could potentially damage the reputation of both “Infinite Wealth” and the “Like a Dragon” series. It remains to be seen how this will affect the game’s sales and the company’s standing within the gaming community.

In conclusion

The decision by Sega to place the NG+ feature of “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth” behind a paywall has led to a significant backlash. The gaming community and industry insiders alike are calling for more transparency and fairness in game monetization.
