How to cancel SASSA relief grant in 2022: Everything you ought to know

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The flagship of the R350 social grant is one of the most significant achievements of the country's democracy. The program aims to support those affected by the pandemic by offering grants, especially to South Africans below the poverty line. However, for you to qualify for this funding, you need to meet the stipulated criteria. If you are privileged enough to land an income-generating opportunity, you are required to cancel your application. Do you know how to cancel the SASSA relief grant in 2022?

Most people have caught wind of how to apply for the SASSA relief grant. However, most do not know how to cancel the SASSA relief grant in 2022 or the importance of doing so. Go through these details for more insights into the cancellation process and why you should opt out of the program.

Can I cancel SASSA online?

The onset of the pandemic caught the world by surprise; as a result, most people were jobless. The government stepped in, in a bid to take of the situation. It flagged off the Social Relief of Distress Grant under section 3 of the Social Assistance Act of 2004. Its implementation concurs with the Ministry of Finance and aims at supporting individuals living below the poverty line.

However, the grant is awarded to individuals who meet specific criteria. So, if you are a beneficiary, you are required to opt out if you:

How to cancel the SASSA SRD grant in 2022

If you are sure you do not deserve to be benefitting from the SASSA SRD grant, follow these tips to opt out of the funding:

  • Open the SASSA relief grant webpage on your browser.
  • Scroll to the Cancel my Application option.
  • Click the option cancels the online application online.
  • Provide your ID number and mobile phone number and click on send PIN.
  • You will receive an SMS with a six-digit OTP number on your mobile phone.
  • Provide the OTP number on the dialogue box that appears after clicking send PIN.
  • Click on cancel my grant.
  • You will receive a pop-up asking if you are sure about cancelling the grant.
  • Click YES if you wish to cancel it and NO if you wish to terminate the process.
  • Clicking YES means you have opted out of the grant.
  • If you experience any glitches during the process or want someone to help you, reach out to the team through the WhatsApp helpline. You will be required to provide your ID number and the details used in the registration process.

    Apply for SASSA R350 cancellation via phone

    If the method highlighted above does not work, you could cancel your SASSA R350 grant by contacting the agency's official number. Do so by sending a message via WhatsApp at 082 046 8553. Send a message with “Cancel SASSA R350 Grant” for a quicker response.

    You will be required to provide your ID and registered phone number and confirm that you are opting out of the funding.

    Cancel the SRD application via phone

    If you do not have access to the two methods highlighted above, you can request a cancellation by calling the SASSA helpline toll-free number, 0800 601 011. The representative will attend to you. They will also require you to provide details such as your ID number and registered phone number. They will also confirm that you have cancelled your SASSA R350 grant.

    Request for SASSA R350 cancellation via email

    Apart from the three methods mentioned above, you could request cancellation via email. The SASSA email address to reach out to is

    Successfully opting out of the grant means you will no longer receive R350 from SASSA unless you apply again. Opting out does not mean you are permanently barred from applying. Should your situation change, you can reapply and qualify for funding.

    Moya app SASSA appeal

    Applying for the SASSA R350 grant does not guarantee you will receive the funding. However, the agency allows applicants to appeal their application by sending a reconsideration application. The agency also provides a platform for applicants to track their applications.

    The Moya app allows users with Android smartphones to manage their grant applications and payments at no data costs. You could follow up on the Moya app if you submitted your appeal.

    What is the SASSA relief grant?

    It is a monthly funding that the South African government provides to people below the poverty line. It is viable for individuals between 18 and 60 years, and the funding is made monthly.

    Is it true that SASSA is giving R700?

    No. The South African Social Security Agency warned the public about a fake social media circular purporting that the agency had rolled out application forms for a R700 grant. The fake post encouraged people between 18 and 35 years to apply online for the grant.

    The world is slowly pacing back to how life was before the pandemic. Even though life is not as it used to be, things are better than they were in 2020 and 2021. So, if you were a beneficiary of the relief fund and are sure it would benefit someone else, consider opting out of the program. These details on how to cancel the SASSA relief grant in 2022 provide insight into the procedure and how to go about it.

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    The GEPT-self-service login aims at helping members monitor their pensions and investment. It also helps them track resignation and retirement claims in the country's labour market.
