#ABCBankScandals: ABC Bank Denies Money Laundering Despite Mounting Evidence

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Kenya has been on a downward spiral in terms of illicit finance flowing through its borders.

From the time of the pirates at the coast of Somalia, to the mega corruption scandals where money is carried in gunny bags, Kenya is a money launderers haven.

African Banking Corporation (ABC) Bank has been on the spotlight this past few days over money laundering and other serious financial crimes.

This site has exposed ABC Bank for money laundering, aiding terrorism and bribery.

ALSO READ: The 2017 NIS Intelligence Report That Fingered ABC As A Money Laundering Bank

Yesterday, Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) continued the exposure of ABC Bank as a criminal bank yet the Governor of Central Bank (CBK) Patrick Njoroge is still mum.

When will CBK get serious?

Wasn’t the National Intelligence Service (NIS) report of 2017 enough to investigate this bank and even close it down?

Kenyans have previously lost money in banks that acted the way ABC is acting.

Remember Euro Bank, Imperial and Chase Banks.

Even as KOT exposed ABC further, the bank chose to defend itself by giving blanket and flimsy reasons without giving bit by bit response to the allegations.

ALSO READ: Local Bank Under Tight Watch Of CBK Over Claims It Is A Conduit Of Criminal Activities

Below are some tweets we sampled.


The problem in Kenya is that money laundering, money lootings, & now this #ABCBankScandals are carried out by top government officers who only need to pay handsomely to their seniors for them to have a safe haven for transactions. Its a corrupt system! shame! #ABCBankScandals

— Makueni Finest-017👌 (@PtahMutuku) May 9, 2019


Despite mounting evidence, the bank continues to deny that it is engaging in money laundering

African Banking Corporation Limited strongly refutes allegations made about gaps in our Anti Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) checks. We are fully committed to adhering to all existing AML/KYC guidelines.

— ABC THE BANK (@ABCBankGroup) May 9, 2019

More on the ABC Bank on cnyakundi.com

  • ABC Bank Could Be Blacklisted Over Links To Dirty Money, Money Laundering And Terrorism Financing.
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  • African Banking Corporation Bribes Media To Kill Money Laundering Story
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