How Rowan Blanchard Dating a Transman Got Mixed up with Biphobia

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Girl Meets World’s star Rowan Blanchard was criticized for her previous Twitter activities. 

In October 2019, a Twitterati who went by user name @pushinghoney uploaded screenshots of the biphobic tweets she liked in 2018 and shared her “condescending apology.” 

for the people who dont know, these are the biphobic tweets rowan blanchard liked, followed by her condescending apology where she blames being called out for liking them on cancel culture and says thats why she gave up on activism — bella (@pushinghoney) October 16, 2019

Rowan Blanchard Criticized for Liking Biophobic Tweets

One tweet Blanchard liked was about how bisexual girls forced themselves to be part of a conversation which many bisexual people found offensive. Another tweet that she had liked read, “if being married to a man does not make me heterosexual, what will?? honestly tried everything.”

A user named @maggiesdrawing called Blanchard’s action confusing and asked her if her queerness was gone since she started dating her boyfriend, Franklin Ayzenberg, better known as Frank. She then clarified that one’s partner, be it a boyfriend or girlfriend, did not equate one’s sexuality. 

Another user who went by @troysnick claimed Blanchard had only dated cis men for someone who identified as queer and accused her of trying to be a part of the community without actually being part of the community. 

But then the user later retracted her statement about Blanchard dating only cis men after learning about her trans boyfriend. 

After being called out, Blanchard explained her actions. The actress noted she was queer, and she liked those tweets because she found them “hilariously cynical.” She added she said nothing about bisexuality and acknowledged that people’s identities were real. 

She then blamed everything on the cancel culture and iterated that it discouraged her from activism. 

Rowan Blanchard’s Trans Boyfriend Gets Called Out

Blanchard’s boyfriend Frank, a trans man, also got called out.

Like Blanchard, Frank uses his social media to champion representation for the trans community. In an interview for TheLoveMagazine, he revealed that all he ever longed for was to be a boy, and growing up in a hetero-normative society, he suffered from acute depression. 

@RowanBlanchard you and your bf need to get ur facts straight lmfao. calling bisexuality an outdated term??? who are you to say that?? bisexuality has NEVER excluded trans folk and u saying that it does, is guess what!!! transphobic!! research lgbt history before u speak thx 💓 — anya taylor joy (@slavicbimbo) October 7, 2018

He drifted through his teenage years on autopilot, and to cope with his struggles; he did drugs. But it was only at 19 that he could express his innermost desires. Then, after coming out, he began his transition. 

Frank then started modeling and began feeling comfortable in his new identity. He also attempts to better represent the trans community through his Instagram account @reallyhotandstrongboys. He posts pictures of trans-masculine people, hoping to create a safe space and community for ideas about masculinity. 

But during Blanchard’s biphobic fiasco, Frank was criticized for his remarks on bisexuality. He mentioned that bisexuality was an outdated term and needed to be removed from the LGBTQIA+ acronym in his Instagram story. 

A user reshared his story and then reprimanded the trans model for not knowing the LGBT history. She asked Frank to get his facts straight and added that bisexuality had never excluded trans folk, and him saying that it did, made it transphobic. 

Many Twitter users commented that Frank and his girlfriend needed a little more education.
