Jub Jub Encourages Connie Ferguson to Be Strong Following Her Hubby's Funeral

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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Jub Jub has taken to social media to encourage Connie Ferguson to be strong following the funeral of her hubby, Shona Ferguson.

The Uyajola 9/9 presenter advised the widow of the late TV producer and actor to remain focused for the sake of her family.

The Ndikhokhele hitmaker joined the rest of Mzansi in mourning The Queen star and producer. Tagging Connie in his post, Jub Jub said he can't believe that Shona is no more.

Taking to Twitter, Jub LamaSwidi posted a short clip of the Ferguson Films founder sharing a joke with his daughters. He captioned it:

"Still can’t believe it big bro…..Robala ntja mme o robale ka kgotso….le fatse le ha le kgoreLoudly crying face #ripshonaferguson, @Connie_Ferguson please be strong ousi for the rest of the family."

Tweeps took to Jub Jub's comment section to share their thoughts on his post. Check out some of the comments below:

@BManangula said:

"Beautiful message, indeed we fell the pain. I decided not to watch the funeral because of the emotions yesterday."

@DidimaloM wrote:

"These videos. I am sure they will replay them over and over again. You could see it’s a beautiful family filled with love & laughter. So authentic & real. All the jokes and laughter he brought them. God to continue to comfort them."

@QueenMe91777471 commented:

"I have never cried so much for someone who didn't even know me."

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Alicia Ferguson promises to continue her late dad's legacy

In related news, Briefly News reported that Alicia Ferguson has promised to continue her father's legacy. Shona Ferguson was laid to rest on Wednesday, 4 August in Johannesburg.

The Queen producer and actor's youngest daughter told mourners at the funeral that she will make her late pops proud. She expressed that Shona Ferguson encouraged her to take bigger steps in life.

ZAlebs reports that Alicia said the Ferguson Films founder motivated her to go for all the things she wants in life.

"In the past I was a child who was very much in a shell. He opened that shell and let me barge out."

In her moving tribute, Alicia said Shona promised to always be by her side "wherever he is, wherever I am". She also promised him:

"I will always carry on his legacy and I will make him and my family proud."

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