Man Reeling From Dating a Loser Notes 2nd Hand Embarrassment That Comes From It, Peeps React

May 2024 · 2 minute read

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A young man named Likhona took to Twitter to point out the effects of dating someone whom he considered a loser.

He noted that the experience caused second-hand embarrassment, to which peeps asked him to explain the statement further.

Peeps on Twitter reacted strongly to Likhona's statement. Some Tweeps noted how embarrassing it would be for his partner to come online and find the tweet.

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@ThabangBGX, who was confused by Likhona's stance asked:

"How do you date someone you consider a loser?, it doesn't make sense."

@SteadyAbeeing, who empathised with the young man, said:

@__AndileN related to the experience by saying:

"You even feel embarrassed mentioning them to your friends, you end up lying about dating the loser."

@Bella_Nomvee injected some reality into Likhona:

@KagisoMokaleng made an observation:

"Notice that most people who relate to this tweet are women and most people who want clarity are men. You date an unemployed woman, she's just unemployed. She dates an unemployed man, he's a loser."

Man goes on ‘solo date with friends’, Mzansi left scratching their heads

Peeps on social media were confused even further when Briefly News reported that South Africans really seemed to be living their extra lives on social media, and one man took the cake and shared a piece - with himself. @SithaleKgaogelo (Sithale) apparently went on a 'solo date with friends', but Mzansi was confused.

How exactly does one go on a solo date, with people? That was the question asked by tons of Twitter users who couldn't wrap their heads around what Sithale was trying to say. In the image he shared, a lady's legs can be seen as well as a bag.

Sithale's confusing post gained over 4 300 likes on the microblogging app, and the comments of questions demanding answers keep rolling in.
