Babes Wodumo Relives the Day of Mampintshas Funeral, Falls Asleep During Instagram Live: Very

May 2024 · 3 minute read

A very heartbroken Babes Wodumo went on Instagram live to vent. Towards the end of her session, she fell asleep.

Babes Wodumo recounts tragedy of losing Mampintsha

Durban-based Gqom queen Babes Wodumo remembered the day she and her family buried her husband, Mampintsha. Babes, real name Bongekile Simelane, shared that when she arrived to view his body, he was covered.

She had asked the people from the funeral parlour in charge of his funeral to unzip the bag so he could breathe. Babes admitted that at that moment, she was very understandably out of her mind.

Before that, she mentioned how she slept on his chest for two hours. The Wololo singer shared that she and Mampintsha had agreed to take pictures of each other should the other pass away.

After the people unzipped the bag, Babes said she was relieved as her husband had some air, and she then proceeded to take pictures.

Babes falls asleep during her rant

Babes Wodumo went on a rant and mentioned how hurt she was by the treatment they received.

In another video shared by @MDNnewss, Babes Wodumo seemingly addresses some people and threatens to poison them.

During her session, Babes suddenly fell asleep on Instagram live while her viewers flooded her comments section with worried messages.

Briefly News got into contact with an expert Dr Erica Munnik, an expert who said being in the public eye makes people watch your every move and expect perfection from you. The pressure of living up to these expectations may lead to the increased stress for the celebrities.

"Being in the public eye and limelight is somewhat idealised by the general public but can contribute to immense pressure to public known figures."

Mzansi shares thoughts on Babes Wodumo's rant

Commenting under the X blogger's posts, this is how some people reacted:

@nxalati8 said:

"Hope she has more love and support to get her back on her feet again."

@iAmKudaMaynard added:

"Man, that’s just sad to watch."

@Ihhashi_Turkei added:

"Very saddened for her."


"We love you, Babes Wodumo."

@Emely20250269 said:

"She just lost the one person who was very important to her, whether we liked him or not. She needs support. She will definitely bounce back with the right support."


"This is sad, doesn’t she have some friends who truly love her enough to support her till she rises again? Yoh uBabes bandla."


"Babes clearly is going through a lot, and it doesn't get better, God I pray Babes finds healing and comfort."

Babes Wodumo's son Sponge goes viral

In a previous report from Briefly News, Mampintsha's vibrant spirit is living on through Sponge Wodumo.

Babes Wodumo recorded the young boy dancing to a Gqom track in a viral video. Mzansi showed love to Sponge, saying he takes after his parents and might have a future in entertainment.
